Monday, September 21, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

Hello ZombieUnicorns, nobody likes Monday's let's fix that!


Here's today's motivational quote.
So I realized that I told you about a new schedule but I didn't tell you the actual days, which may have been good cause I didn't fulfill it either last week.
So the new schedule will be Motivational Monday and then Favorites Friday, so we can start and end the work week on a good note. Part of why I missed last week was my childhood dog passed away and it hit me a little harder than I thought it would, as well as a football game that week and an art club meeting with me starting to organize the homecoming events.

Also I finished the my painting.

So with that I will leave you to enjoy your Monday, or sleep walk through it whatever you prefer.

   You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, I am such a liar on trying to stay on schedule. So I will be telling you today of the new schedule that will hopefully work as well as what my college schedule looks like.

14 fashion quotes by Coco Chanel to live by::
Here's todays motivation quote.
So with the participation in two different organizations, Art Club and Kappa Kappa Psi, and being in offices in both organizations my schedule get's pretty busy.

Here's a look at my planner from last week.

So as you can see I have a lot on my plate, after I took this picture I added two more sticky notes with memo's for club meetings this week.
Now this may scare some people that this is normal college life, I will say that college has been much more work than highschool for me but it's been so much more enjoyable because these are all things I want to be doing. I really wanted to be more involved in college life since it's where I've made more connections as well as what's training me for the real world.

Also in the art world, my first painting assignment is a photorealist painting and that has been a wonderful break in the regular college work. Here's the progress.

This is oil paint, but the first weeks of school were incredibly stressful for me and the minute I put the brush to this canvas all of my anxiety just melted off, even if it was just for a small time. I hope to finish this in the next week so I can enter it into some competitions.
Pretty much the lesson for this week is put all of your effort into something that your doing, especially if it's costing thousands of dollars to do.
  You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.