Monday, December 28, 2015

Motivation Monday

Motivational Monday

Hello Zombie-corns, nobody likes Monday's lets fix that!

Here is your motivational quote for the day.
Motivational quotes to inspire and share:
This is very close to my highschool senior quote "If you think you can or you can't your right." I love saying's like these because it is true. If you put limits on yourself then you will never achieve anything. Never put yourself into a box of limitations, you will soon see that you are missing out on life and others will see it too.
in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take:
Also be on the lookout for this week's Favorite's Friday I will have an art supply haul up as well as a small ULTA haul.
In other news here is a few projects I've been working on, nothing too big just some playing around.


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Monday, December 14, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

Hello Zombicorns, nobody likes Monday's lets fix that!

I hope this Monday is a good one for you, hopefully you don't have classes or maybe it's the last one of the semester. Either way the holiday's are upon us, whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the Star Wars premiere I hope that your wallet isn't too sad and that you remember to value the real things that the holiday's stand for.
But here is a motivational quote for your week.
Beethoven quotes never stop learning | ... never stop learning. right, goal, god, endurance, inspirational, gifts:
Also for any of my art followers, remember that during this break to keep making art, even if it's just a sketch. As well as try and find artists, online or in galleries, that inspire you and are similar to your style.  I think I'm am going to try and start doing a sketch/drawing a day. I use to draw all the time and it definitely helped my art and my process but with school and life it's been harder to pull out the sketchbook and pencils. I will keep you updated on my personal projects as they go.

I hope you enjoy your week and have a great time with your holiday celebrations!

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You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

(late) Favorites Friday

Favorites Friday

Hey Zombi-corns, WOW am I a terrible blogger, but I just finished finals and am home for break so I will try and make interesting posts into the new year.

So my first favorite has been for awhile and it is an art supply.
It's The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver. This has come in very handy for oil painting, now you can go with a cheaper solution which would be to use baby oil and simply green but for some reason using that combination was making my softer brushes shed. But this instantly made the shedding stop and I have always enjoyed using this for them. You can also get a liquid version of this if you don't like using the solid version.
Another favorite which was a great pick me up from my stupid finals was this eye shadow palette I purchased from BH Cosmetics. This was kind of a Christmas present to myself because I purchased it from their Cyber Monday sale along with a present for my mom.

Sorry for the terrible glare but I took these pictures late at night. Here are some swatches in order of row.

These shadows have no names but I can not wait to experiment with these, especially with some formal events coming up, i'll also post some pictures of those.
Most of these are satin or shimmer finish and have pretty good color payoff but the few matte colors are a little powdery and not as opaque, but definitaly buildable.
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You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello Zombicorns, nobody likes Monday's let's fix that!

Here is your motivational quote for the day.

#musictruth Brahms, Schubert, Vivaldi, Chopin, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Haydn, Debussy, Shostakovich, Mendelssohn, Ravel, Corelli, Albinoni, Piazzolla, Liszt, Dvorak, Smetana, Janacek, and on and on... This is what I stick close to.:

For me that would be the sound of rain and storms, crows calling out to each other, leaves scraping the ground, and the sound of cars going down the highway.

Also what's been giving me a lot of inspiration are these adorable geometric animals.
nice geometric totem with different animals, good use of different colours to show a bit of tone and the colours pair up well together too:

I love the simplicity of this totem as well as the color palette. For some reason I have been using a lot of, and finding inspiration in, geometric shapes and foxes in my artwork lately.

Also here's the finished result of my collage.

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You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Favorites Friday

Favorites Friday!

Hello Zombicorns, let's see what helped me get through this long week.

So sorry for missing posts lately I have been going through some extreme personal issues not to mention school work is crazy right now with this being the last month to get shit done. But none the less I do have some new favorites, finally.
First off is a new foundation I have been using.

This is the Clinique beyond perfecting foundation+concealer. Lately because of stress and diet I have been breaking out A LOT, I didn't think it was my foundation because I had used it before, it was a drug store brand. But during the homecoming game on Saturday my mom suggested I get a new one and it be from Clinique. I've used their concealer before and I have to say that this is brand is the best for my skin. I have extremely acne prone, dry, pale skin and Clinique has never broken me out or clogged my pores. This has a very smooth satin finish and the added concealer in it means I don't have to use tons of product, which is amazing because it means I spend less time on my face in the morning. 

Next favorite I would have to say is this amazing season. It finally feels like fall here in Oklahoma, which means rain and fog, but I absolutely love it. I love the colors of the leaves and the crows that seem to bring the weather with them.

And probably the biggest favorite of right now is my ever supportive fraternity family of Kappa Kappa Psi: Gamma Theta chapter. I don't think I could've gotten through any of this without all of them. They are a constant inspiration in everything they do and strive for and I wouldn't trade them for anything. 

Lastly I will leave you with some in progress shots of some of my classwork.

  You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Mondays

Hello Zombicorns, nobody likes Monday's lets fix that.

So sorry for skipping last week I have had an emotional and hard time lately, but I'm trying to just keep moving forward. Also here's a work in progress shot of a new painting.
Can you guess what it's inspired by?
  You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Motivational Mondays

Motivational Monday

Hello Zombi-corns nobody likes Monday's lets fix that.

Here is your motivation quote for the day.
I think about this quote everyday. Photography is a creative journey that has so many highs and lows but practicing your art every day is what makes you the best at whatever you do.:
And another from one of my favorite artists.
Tim Burton Quotes:
Also some things that have been inspiring me in my art.
This picture of Pablo Picasso is a great example of a project we have in my drawing class.
Remarkable Photos Show Picasso “Painting” With Light - A running figure, with Picasso in motion behind it.:
Homeless Pet Clubs is a fun, FREE, effective way to save the lives of shelter animals.
And a lot of white stags that ignite the elven heart in me.
Not my artwork. Just something beautiful I would love to have in my home someday:

You can find all the sources of these images in my inspiration board on my pinterest page, which is linked below.
Also something that has been super inspiring is a game for mobile devices called Monuments Valley.
This Game is absolutely gorgeous and also has an amazing soundtrack, and its free through amazon, these are some screenshots I took from my gameplay.

I absolutely love totem.
 You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello Zombie Unicorns, nobody likes Mondays let's fix that!

 Here is today's motivational quote for the day.
26 quotes on getting ahead from the world's hottest CEOs.:
I love this quote because I always hear people saying they have to get a "practically" degree or job, when it's not something they have a passion for. Anything worth having is never going to be easy to obtain.
But yea my week started out kind of down, partly from the weather and just emotions running rampit. So I thought I'd share some artwork and photos that have been inspiring me.

“Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and...:   Johnny Depp as Victor Van Dort and Helena Bonham Carter as Corpse Bride 2005:

Love the celtic circle design for a possible tattoo.      Elvish by `Saimain on deviantART:


Well that's about all I have for now, I have to go study for a test tomorrow and go find a new sizer for my ring and super glue for some shoes. Don't forget to paint the roses red!



 You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Favorites Friday

Favorite's Friday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, it's the end of another week, take a look at all the magical things that helped me get through it.

So I have concluded that I am a super busy college student that keeps forgetting to post before the afternoon lull hits me. But I'm back and we'll just have to see how the posts go in the future, Monday's I will start to type on Sundays so I am ahead of schedule.
So the first favorite and probably my biggest is IT'S FINALLY OCTOBER! It's the most magical time of the year, literally in my opinion, especially since it's following a blood moon.

I've always loved horror movies, mythological beasts of old, and the festivities of the month, and that the holiday is pretty well suited for all ages. I will keep you updated on any decorating and if I get a chance to make a costume this year.
Another favorite is this little guy who joined the family on my desk.
Unfortunately he cant actually sit on his majestic beast, but they both are bobble heads and were about $20 I believe. When I saw all the ads about the new Star Wars merch coming out I couldn't help myself on my next visit to the Wallie World to pick this guy up.
Also another favorite from the week is the location I looked at for my wedding, and I will probably book for.
This is just the bridal suite upstairs, but the building is beautiful. It's over 100 years old, has a beautiful rotunda on the bottom floor and is the best deal I have found, and it's the best location for our families.
And speaking of weddings, my last favorite is one that I've had for two years today and am about to have for the rest of our lives; my fiancĂ©.

That's about it for this week, I will see you all on Monday with a new motivational quote and don't forget to paint the roses red.


   You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

Hello ZombieUnicorns, nobody likes Monday's let's fix that!


Here's today's motivational quote.
So I realized that I told you about a new schedule but I didn't tell you the actual days, which may have been good cause I didn't fulfill it either last week.
So the new schedule will be Motivational Monday and then Favorites Friday, so we can start and end the work week on a good note. Part of why I missed last week was my childhood dog passed away and it hit me a little harder than I thought it would, as well as a football game that week and an art club meeting with me starting to organize the homecoming events.

Also I finished the my painting.

So with that I will leave you to enjoy your Monday, or sleep walk through it whatever you prefer.

   You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, I am such a liar on trying to stay on schedule. So I will be telling you today of the new schedule that will hopefully work as well as what my college schedule looks like.

14 fashion quotes by Coco Chanel to live by::
Here's todays motivation quote.
So with the participation in two different organizations, Art Club and Kappa Kappa Psi, and being in offices in both organizations my schedule get's pretty busy.

Here's a look at my planner from last week.

So as you can see I have a lot on my plate, after I took this picture I added two more sticky notes with memo's for club meetings this week.
Now this may scare some people that this is normal college life, I will say that college has been much more work than highschool for me but it's been so much more enjoyable because these are all things I want to be doing. I really wanted to be more involved in college life since it's where I've made more connections as well as what's training me for the real world.

Also in the art world, my first painting assignment is a photorealist painting and that has been a wonderful break in the regular college work. Here's the progress.

This is oil paint, but the first weeks of school were incredibly stressful for me and the minute I put the brush to this canvas all of my anxiety just melted off, even if it was just for a small time. I hope to finish this in the next week so I can enter it into some competitions.
Pretty much the lesson for this week is put all of your effort into something that your doing, especially if it's costing thousands of dollars to do.
  You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.