Monday, December 28, 2015

Motivation Monday

Motivational Monday

Hello Zombie-corns, nobody likes Monday's lets fix that!

Here is your motivational quote for the day.
Motivational quotes to inspire and share:
This is very close to my highschool senior quote "If you think you can or you can't your right." I love saying's like these because it is true. If you put limits on yourself then you will never achieve anything. Never put yourself into a box of limitations, you will soon see that you are missing out on life and others will see it too.
in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take:
Also be on the lookout for this week's Favorite's Friday I will have an art supply haul up as well as a small ULTA haul.
In other news here is a few projects I've been working on, nothing too big just some playing around.


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