Monday, November 9, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello Zombicorns, nobody likes Monday's let's fix that!

Here is your motivational quote for the day.

#musictruth Brahms, Schubert, Vivaldi, Chopin, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Haydn, Debussy, Shostakovich, Mendelssohn, Ravel, Corelli, Albinoni, Piazzolla, Liszt, Dvorak, Smetana, Janacek, and on and on... This is what I stick close to.:

For me that would be the sound of rain and storms, crows calling out to each other, leaves scraping the ground, and the sound of cars going down the highway.

Also what's been giving me a lot of inspiration are these adorable geometric animals.
nice geometric totem with different animals, good use of different colours to show a bit of tone and the colours pair up well together too:

I love the simplicity of this totem as well as the color palette. For some reason I have been using a lot of, and finding inspiration in, geometric shapes and foxes in my artwork lately.

Also here's the finished result of my collage.

  You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Favorites Friday

Favorites Friday!

Hello Zombicorns, let's see what helped me get through this long week.

So sorry for missing posts lately I have been going through some extreme personal issues not to mention school work is crazy right now with this being the last month to get shit done. But none the less I do have some new favorites, finally.
First off is a new foundation I have been using.

This is the Clinique beyond perfecting foundation+concealer. Lately because of stress and diet I have been breaking out A LOT, I didn't think it was my foundation because I had used it before, it was a drug store brand. But during the homecoming game on Saturday my mom suggested I get a new one and it be from Clinique. I've used their concealer before and I have to say that this is brand is the best for my skin. I have extremely acne prone, dry, pale skin and Clinique has never broken me out or clogged my pores. This has a very smooth satin finish and the added concealer in it means I don't have to use tons of product, which is amazing because it means I spend less time on my face in the morning. 

Next favorite I would have to say is this amazing season. It finally feels like fall here in Oklahoma, which means rain and fog, but I absolutely love it. I love the colors of the leaves and the crows that seem to bring the weather with them.

And probably the biggest favorite of right now is my ever supportive fraternity family of Kappa Kappa Psi: Gamma Theta chapter. I don't think I could've gotten through any of this without all of them. They are a constant inspiration in everything they do and strive for and I wouldn't trade them for anything. 

Lastly I will leave you with some in progress shots of some of my classwork.

  You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.