Monday, December 28, 2015

Motivation Monday

Motivational Monday

Hello Zombie-corns, nobody likes Monday's lets fix that!

Here is your motivational quote for the day.
Motivational quotes to inspire and share:
This is very close to my highschool senior quote "If you think you can or you can't your right." I love saying's like these because it is true. If you put limits on yourself then you will never achieve anything. Never put yourself into a box of limitations, you will soon see that you are missing out on life and others will see it too.
in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take:
Also be on the lookout for this week's Favorite's Friday I will have an art supply haul up as well as a small ULTA haul.
In other news here is a few projects I've been working on, nothing too big just some playing around.


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You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

Hello Zombicorns, nobody likes Monday's lets fix that!

I hope this Monday is a good one for you, hopefully you don't have classes or maybe it's the last one of the semester. Either way the holiday's are upon us, whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the Star Wars premiere I hope that your wallet isn't too sad and that you remember to value the real things that the holiday's stand for.
But here is a motivational quote for your week.
Beethoven quotes never stop learning | ... never stop learning. right, goal, god, endurance, inspirational, gifts:
Also for any of my art followers, remember that during this break to keep making art, even if it's just a sketch. As well as try and find artists, online or in galleries, that inspire you and are similar to your style.  I think I'm am going to try and start doing a sketch/drawing a day. I use to draw all the time and it definitely helped my art and my process but with school and life it's been harder to pull out the sketchbook and pencils. I will keep you updated on my personal projects as they go.

I hope you enjoy your week and have a great time with your holiday celebrations!

   You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

(late) Favorites Friday

Favorites Friday

Hey Zombi-corns, WOW am I a terrible blogger, but I just finished finals and am home for break so I will try and make interesting posts into the new year.

So my first favorite has been for awhile and it is an art supply.
It's The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver. This has come in very handy for oil painting, now you can go with a cheaper solution which would be to use baby oil and simply green but for some reason using that combination was making my softer brushes shed. But this instantly made the shedding stop and I have always enjoyed using this for them. You can also get a liquid version of this if you don't like using the solid version.
Another favorite which was a great pick me up from my stupid finals was this eye shadow palette I purchased from BH Cosmetics. This was kind of a Christmas present to myself because I purchased it from their Cyber Monday sale along with a present for my mom.

Sorry for the terrible glare but I took these pictures late at night. Here are some swatches in order of row.

These shadows have no names but I can not wait to experiment with these, especially with some formal events coming up, i'll also post some pictures of those.
Most of these are satin or shimmer finish and have pretty good color payoff but the few matte colors are a little powdery and not as opaque, but definitaly buildable.
   You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.