Monday, August 31, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello ZombieUnicorn's, nobody like's Monday lets fix that!

Here is the motivation quote for this week.
Show up, that is doing more than most! Be consistant,uhhuh... Do what you say, that is a big one!, Give more than you take? Unheard of sometimes! :)
I have already noticed less people showing up for classes this morning by the sparce parking lots. This is a huge mistake I see new college students do. They hear that the professor doesn't take role and then they don't go to class until the test. Well you will miss out on extra credit and information that the professor will put on the tests and quizzes that aren't in the book. And come on, how many people who don't go to class are going to study on their own, and retain it.
Also if you are receiving scholarships and don't go to class, you can kiss that free money goodbye, as well as your GPA. Also at my school, after three un-excused absences your grade drops a letter grade for every absence after that.

SO JUST GO TO CLASS! I know it's hard and stressful and getting out of bed is no fun. But education and school is extremely important.

Also just like the quote says, don't be greedy. I feel like this is a huge corruption of today's society, we just WANT constantly. Money and possessions are not important, you can have the coolest car in the world but if you cant even spell the make and model of it then their is a problem.

  You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Favorites Friday

Favorites Friday

Hello ZombieUnicorns, come see all the things that helped me get through the week.

This week was pretty hectic but I did find some new favorites, one of them being this beautiful lip color.
This is Maybelline's Color Blur by lip studio, in 15 Berry Misbehaved. I have worn this almost everyday, it's like a more pink toned raspberry color, and have received plenty of compliments about it. The color payoff is amazing, it does transfer but it's not so substantial where you have to retouch after every sip from a straw.
Here's what it looks like on my pale lips. This is one of the only lip sticks I have worn that doesn't come completely off when I drink from a water bottle, it's even held up against some foods. I would compare this to the NYX soft matte lip creams. Both are flute friendly so I will definitely wear this for concerts and performances.
My other favorite for the week is my supportive band family and my Kappa Kappa Psi brothers. I've had a bunch of great ideas for homecoming and recruitment and most of the band is doing pretty well, especially with adding new people into an already written drill.
Hopefully this mood stays for the rest of marching season, and that the new staff don't make it worse, or any less enjoyable.

I hope you had a great week, and have a great weekend, I'll see you on Monday with a new quote to start the week off and don't forget to paint the roses red.

  You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Illustration Thursday

Illustration Thursday

Hello ZombieUnicorns, today hopefully starts a new theme, Illustration Thursday where I'll share an illustration inspired by my week.

Heres the Illustration for this week
So this week was very busy with jumping right into the regular routine of school as well as my design job, which up till now I have been by myself and been given about three projects every day I was there.
There was also some trouble with the flute section leader and assigning a new assistant section leader. Lots of frustration and condescending people this week, everything that I needed to kick start my anxiety and stress. Now I've never been diagnosed with anxiety but if I had any of them its probably generalized anxiety or social anxiety, or a mix. And my drawing is an interpretation of how it feels, the predatory bad thoughts constantly at war with the wise and thoughtful crane.
That's about all for today, not really feeling great either so I'm gonna have to cut it short.

I hope you had a better day than I did, and don't forget to paint the roses red.

 You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, today lets talk all the small steps to getting fit and living healthier.

So I recently discovered that my LG G4 had an app called LG Health. It basically calculates your BMI based off weight, age, gender, and height and then tells you how active you should be in a day, by showing you how many steps you should be walking.
I really like it because it shows what hours you are most active, as well as telling you how many calories you have burned.

My account says that mu BMI is about 21.0 and my recommended activity goal is 8746 steps(3.68 miles) which will burn about 250 calories.

I set my personal goal as 8000 and it's pretty easy, I usually hit 7000 steps. Now if I took my phone with me running then I would probably get over the 8000.

But the biggest thing it showed me was how sedentary I am on weekend.

On the tracker you can see your daily percentage, most of mine are between 80%-90% on days when I have marching band and school. But on Friday I only got 40%, no marching, and on the weekend I didn't get above 3%!!! Which blew my mind, and really made me want to change that because I know that's about how active I was when I was home during the summer.
This along with my nutrition class will hopefully help me stay fit and healthy, as well as help my fiancé since he goes running with me.
Apps like these are great motivators for anyone who wants to try and be more active, I would definitely recommend this to any college student, or someone with a desk job, like myself.
Do some research and find what you like best, most smart phones have started coming with a built in app like mine.

Short and sweet today, remember even just walking for 30 minutes a day helps keep you fit and to get cardio. Have a good evening and don't forget to paint the roses red!

 You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tip Tuesday

Tip Tuesday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, for today's tip I will talk about buying/renting textbooks, and why you should avoid the bookstore as much as you can.

Buying textbooks is a huge burden on college students, the prices have skyrocketed since our parents went to school. So much so where now a lot of students take loans out just for textbooks.
So here are a three tips so as to avoid debt as much as possible.

1, Rent

You will probably have to have textbooks for your general educational classes, the classes you need to graduate but don't pertain to your major.
If you don't think you'll use it after school or in the following years of school, don't buy it.
And if you rent and end up not using the text you can send it back early and possibly get a reimbursement.
(also keep the boxes your books came in, it's easier to mail back that way.)

2.Wait till the teacher says you need it.

About half of my classes that had a textbook never used it, or I never needed to use it because the lectures and my notes sufficed.
Now if you are the type of person who needs to read the chapter, or follow along in the book during lecture then get the book. Or if the subject is something that you usually struggle in, then the book and your own studying will help.

3.Don't buy from the bookstore!

College bookstores are notorious for having the most expensive prices on their textbooks, I wish I hadn't gotten mine there my freshman year. Some of the other supplies in the bookstore is usually great but always check prices(applies to other stores too).
 There are tons of websites to buy/rent used books. And I know what some of you are thinking; Ew, used books it's going to be in terrible condition. Almost all of my books have been used and besides a little scuffing the most "damage" was highlighting in a few chapters. But the price is incredibly cheaper than new.
My favorite website to buy books is
I rented two used books for less than $50, if I had gotten them at the bookstore they would've been above $150 easy.
Amazon Student is really good too, they give you discounts on textbooks as well as all the perks of Prime.

I hope these tips helped and I hope you have a great day, and don't forget to paint the roses red!

You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificient things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, nobody likes Monday's let's fix that!

So Monday, quite busy for me already, and slightly stressful. I almost am out of coffee, I'll probably use the last of it tomorrow morning, had a ridiculous work load, got really discouraged during painting class, I have to take a loan out and our first football game is next week. But I am going to try and stay calm.

Here's the motivational quote for this week!

Also some other things I found inspiring was a documentary I watched called "The Artist is Present".
The documentary follows Marina Abramovic' as she prepares for a MOMA exhibit highlighting her career in performance art. It shows how she trains the other artists to reenact her most famous pieces as well as her very moving performance that takes place for the three months of the exhibit.
One of the most moving parts of the documentary, during the first day of the exhibit her ex-husband and partner in many performances takes part as a viewer. Marina smiling and reaching across the table, later removed, to share a moment with someone who she shared a life with.
Now if you have any problems with nudity or violence then you should probably stray away from this, but she talks of how she stayed driven  after so much sorrow, to perform and create. It's a must watch for any artist, no matter the medium.
Also as I was in painting class having a small bought of anxiety from work and a rushed day, I decided to listen on audible to In Real Life by Joey Graceffa. It's very relatable and easy to read so I would suggest it to anyone. He talks about his road to youtube before youtube even existed, a toxic parent, divorce, bullying, special education, and coming out, I believe this is something that should be in school libraries because I feel many teens could relate to his story.
But I will also definitely be doing some yoga tonight to help with the anxiety and stress of Monday, as well as work on my handstand, which is yet to be an actual hand stand.
I hope you have a good week and don't let the stress get to you. Tomorrow I will be talking about buying textbooks and why you should never get them from the bookstore.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good rest of your day, and don't forget to paint the roses red.

You can follow my facebook to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificient things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, sorry for missing yesterday's post but here's how I've been trying to keep on the healthy track!

So I forgot how exhausting school can be, especially when getting up at 6 AM everyday and not stopping till 4:30 most days. But I still am trying to workout everyday and eat healthier. Hopefully since i'm taking a nutrition class the eating better part will be much easier. I try and keep the MyPlate portions in my head, and try and apply when I can.
We actually went over this today, we grouped up and categorized what we ate for dinner the night before and then the whole class put up their categories on a chart. My group cheated a little because we counted French fries as a vegetable.
But besides that I'm also trying to drink more water and tea in place of soda. I've also been going walking/jogging with my fiancé, which with marching band has definitely helped with getting cardio into my routine. I also started using the LG Health app on my phone to count how many steps I take everyday, my goal is 8000(or 3.68 miles) which should burn 247 calories.
This is the yoga workout I will be trying tonight before bed if you would like to try it as well.
I will try and do a small morning flow as well when I get up tomorrow to start my day off right.

That's about it for today enjoy the rest of your day and I wish you luck in your health journey, and don't forget to paint the roses red.

You can follow my facebook page to get updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all sorts of magnificient things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, nobody likes Monday's so let's fix that!

See the light in others and treat them as if that is all you see. Quote | Top 10 Pinterest Pins

Here is the motivational quote for this week. I find that when I look for the good in people and in the world I am much happier. Instead of sitting on all the negatives think of how you can fix those, or realize what's really important.
Also I would like to share a little story with you today. So my freshmen year I was walking back to my room and I happened to stuble upon this little guy.
This little orange butterfly gave me hope in a time when I was very scared that I would not make it at college, and I was very worried for my future. Seeing this little bit of beauty reminded me that I was going through a life change, from high school student to adult college life, and that changes are not easy but necessary to bring about beauty.
And then just yesterday I was leaving my room to go see my parents and this not so little guy was sitting on my door.
And I realize that this is a moth but I just thought it so coincidently that this would show up after I just went through abunch of stress from moving. As well as financial stress.
Later that day I thought about it and realized that this moth reminded me that I was once again going through life changes, college student to married college student, and that it's not easy but there is a beautiful outcome in the end.
I'm not native American or anything but I kind of want to believe that butterfly's(and moths) are my spirit animal, since they seem to show up in my life just when I need them.

But anyways guys always be looking on the bright side and I hope you have a good Monday, and don't forget to paint the roses red!

You can follow my facebook page for updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Favorites Friday!

Favorite's Friday

Hello ZombieUnicorns, it's Friday so let's all the majestic things that made my week better.

So if you read any of the post from Wednesday you will know that I had a pretty stressful weekend. I had to move rooms, and given no valuable reason, causing me all sorts of stress, on top of marching season starting. But there were a few things that made up for it one of them being band. Being back in the group, especially with all the new recruits, and playing my instrument felt great.
Also I got paid finally so that's always a plus, I bought some amazing flavored green tea as well as some pears which I have been craving for awhile.
But what really made my week is something I saw on Facebook from an organization I follow called Art People Gallery( ), it was a post of illustrations made by a Brazilian artist, Julio Cesar.
These are just my personal favorites, but I absolutely loved them because I always have thought of doing this, and have done it, of people in my daily life. So this gave me an idea for Thursdays called Illustration Thursday.
So I will share my attempt at the first, now mine is not as fancy, it's a simple pen drawing of my Maid of Honor and her two beautiful sons. She is the definition of super mom to me, raising two kids while going to medical school, working in an ER, and being an amazing human being.

 Hopefully next Thursday I will also have a tale to go along with the character, as well as a different medium(unless I stay up really late again like I did for this drawing).

I Hope you have a good weekend and I will see you on Monday with some motivation for the first day of classes, and don't forget to paint the roses red.

You can follow my facebook page for updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

30 Minute Yoga to De-stress

Workout Wednesday
Hello Zombie Unicorn's today will be a short post.
So last week I moved into my dorm everything was fine, and then yesterday I was told I had to move because my roommate, who hadn't moved in yet, was foreign exchange. I still have not gotten a real reason for this, something about it being confidential but I will probably try and contact the resident director and figure out why. Because I was excited to have a foreign exchange roommate.
But now I am in a different room, same building, but there is mold in the shower and no wifi, as well as a cluttered absent roommate. It's being resolved but it has caused me all sorts of stress induced anxiety, not how I wanted to start off the school year. So I am going to do the yoga in the video above, and I figured some people may want to try as well.
I recently found this channel on youtube and I am liking, I'm wanting to incorporate more yoga into my fitness routine, I've even started doing a small flow in the mornings and I really want to try and get an arm balance down by the end of the year.
So that is about all for right now I will see you tomorrow with, hopefully, something new.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tip Tuesday

Tip Tuesday

Hello Zombie Unicorns, with most of the public schools starting here in Oklahoma and colleges starting next week I thought I would share probably my best tip for the school year.

In college it is very easy to fall behind on your school work, the deadlines are much shorter and every professor is different. And it's very easy for students to get overwhelmed and feel like they cant do it. I felt the same way my freshman year, I had deadlines and projects piling up, along with troubles at home, my anxiety level went through the roof and I was afraid that I would end up just like my mom said and not get through college.
But there was one thing that definitely helped put structure into all the chaos and still helps calm the storm of college anxiety. It's something I think any student, whether new or returning, can use.

A Planner!

My first planner I used was a gift from my Uncle, it was pretty small but very handy. Just a simple weekly planner, after that one ran out I bought one with the same format but bigger, it also came in a cover with pockets. Both were very used, I wish I still had them to show you pictures. But one thing that I always ran into was that it would get very cluttered and I didn't have enough space to put the neat list of assignments I needed to.


This is the planner I bought for this year, personalized with my "new" initials, because once this one ends I will be married.
This is the company that made the planner, I found it on etsy. I bough the academic edition, but this design also came in two other formats to cater to different needs.

I absolutely love this planner it has so much room in it.


It has a great spot for your class schedule, always great to have when navigating campus or if you lose it.

It also has pages for contacts, website passwords, and events.

My absolute favorite part about this planner is all the room and organization on the weekly pages.

I could never find something like this in stores, my previous planners had the format of the left page(above) on both sides. And I tend to write a little too big so having different slots for specific tasks is great.
I also absolutely love the ideas cloud and goals box on the monthly pages.
Now you don't have to spend a little extra to be organized, some people like to use dry erase calendars and just fill in the small things. Some put it all on their phones.
Ways you can make the store bought planners more organized is use color coded pens for different classes/tasks, sticky notes, or use these arrow markers to put out the week and month ex. in my planner.
Find what makes sense to you, and if this seems too complicated start with a basic list. Getting organized, in at least school work, will definitely help your stress level in school. It did for me.

I hope you have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow, don't forget to paint the roses red.

You can follow my facebook page for updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.



Monday, August 10, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello Zombie Unicorns, it's a start of a new week and Monday never gets a good rep. so let's change that!

Here's my inspirational quote for the week
(Orignial pin )

Other ways I like to improve my Monday is dress nicer than just a t-shirt and shorts, or do a different makeup look. Something small like a different lipstick or eyeshadow combo.
Something else to make your Monday better is have a cheat meal or maybe a faux-cheat meal, there are a ton of links on pinterest for healthy ways to satisfy a sweet tooth.
Heres a great post I found with plenty of recipes from avocado chocolate mousse to a clean no bake peanut butter pie -> 25 ways to satisfy your sweet tooth
Here is another inspirational quote that I find helps me as an artist as well as in life
While the art world is a very dog-eat-dog world I believe that if you put all of your strength and passion into what you create then you will be successful, I'm not saying there wont be trials but with a better attitude you will be able to endure longer.
Keep little thoughts of positivity around with you to start your week, like sticky notes or change your computer or phone background to an inspirational quote. Anything to help remind you that you can get through Monday.
For me, classes start in a week so my Mondays are going to start being pretty busy and stressful but I'll always try and remember to keep inspired and breath.
Hope you have a good rest of your Monday, and if it's been not so great so far I hope that you can find something to cheer you up and smile.
You can find more inspirational pins and fun recipes on my pinterest page.
You can also follow the blog on facebook to keep updated on posts.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Favorite's Friday!

Hello Zombie Unicorns, it's Friday so let's see all the magnificent things that made my week better!

So it's tax free weekend and while I don't have the money to go shopping by myself, my wonderful mother took me shopping yesterday for some new clothes for work and school. I recently started a job as a graphic designer on my campus, and I want to look more professional at work, I also like to dress nicer when we have critiques in class. If I'm representing my art I want to make sure I represent it well just like I would if I were presenting at a show or to a potential buyer.
We only went to two stores Maurices and Rue21, and while it wasn't quite yet tax free weekend, everything we bought, except one pair of pants, was on sale.
First what I got at Maurices.
This flowy white peasant top with neon orange embroidery. Perfect for the hot start to the school year.
This navy top with small pom-poms on the sleeve as well as white embroidery.

The main reason we went shopping was to get me some new shorts, because very rarely can you find shorts made for long hipped girls like me. These two pairs of shorts are just the right amount of stretch for them to fit comfortably and not ride up. I also bought a pair of navy blue rayon pants that will also be good for hotter days when jeans are out of the question.

And my absolute favorite purchase, these were not on sale but they were a must have. They are so comfortable and breezy. These will definitely get a lot of wear.

And now Rue21, everything we bought was $4 or less! I love this store for their sales but you definitely have to try things on because the sizes are all over the place. Example: I tried on two pairs of jean shorts one was marked 11/12 high waisted, they fit but were too short in the back, another pair said they were 7/8 which is what I wear in jeans and these wouldn't even get over my booty. And when we laid them next to each other they were pretty much the "same size".
Anyways first off the bat some ordinary camisols for layering. I try and find items I can wear all year so a lot of pieces are for layering or can be worn multiple ways. 

A beautiful faux chiffon tank with gold buttons. I'm not sure how long this will last because the button holes have a lot of stray strings that catch on the buttons every time you unbutton the shirt.

A staple tank top with a crocheted detail on the back.

And then two pairs of palazzo pants that were $3!

My other favorite of the week is my little friend here Blanksy.
I still cant decide what I will make her look like, I have a few ideas though.
Humanoid version of ninetails or mew from Pokémon.
One of the talking flowers from Alice in Wonderland.
Queen Amidala in her parade dress.
Any thoughts, opinions?
Right now Blanksy is keeping guard over the Louvre pyramid with Harley Quinn, on my desk.

Another favorite of the week was all the amazing people who helped me move into my dorm, Mom, Dad, my fiancé, and my friend Collin. Thank you guys for making it so much easier!
What were your favorites of the week?
You can follow my facebook page here to get updates on the when the next blog is up.
And you can follow my pinterest here to see all sorts of things from healthy recipes and art to ideas for my wedding and inspirational quotes.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday!

Hello Zombie Unicorns, today I would like to share some of my favorite workouts and how I try and avoid the weight gain that is associated with college.

If you walk into my bedroom at my parent's house you would see a large white garment bag hanging on my closet door, containing my wedding dress and a huge reason to try and get healthy. My wedding isn't for another year and I already have to have my dress altered to let out the hips (cause mine don't lie) but because I already bought it I cant gain or lose too much weight before my alterations. Most brides usually only have a few months to watch their weight I have a year.
Now this isn't the only reason I want to get into a healthier lifestyle, just like any other female I have had a lot of stigma about my body and what it looks like to other people. But since I've been in college I realized that thin isn't beautiful, healthy and happiness is!
I want to be healthy.
Working out also helps me distress, I usually try and workout at the end of the day and I've noticed it helps me sleep as well.
I do pretty much all of my work outs in my dorm room/bedroom, and with no weights. How do I do this you ask, well I started watching blogilates on youtube.
What I love about her videos is that she has specific workouts for focus groups as well as total body and cardio. She also caters to beginners as well as the experienced, she even says in some of her videos the different versions of specific workouts for experience levels.
She also has monthly calendars for people who subscribe, as well as a free calendar for beginners. I kind of fell off the band wagon on the monthly calendars but I just printed out this months and am going to do tonight's workout as best I can(the bowl of chocolate icecream I had earlier sure wont help.) 
She also has amazing healthy recipes, which is a godsend for somebody who has the sweet tooth of Willy Wonka.
Speaking of food I also really want to "fix" my diet and what I put in my body. While I was in Europe I noticed a lot of foods don't have as many preservatives and sugars as we do here in America. And it made me slightly disgusted with a lot of foods we put out into the market. I now notice how the more sugary snacks are on all the eye level shelves, at the grocery store, and the healthier option is high up or on the bottom shelf.
So along with working out, I am also trying to eat much cleaner. I love that phrase because it makes you think about the unhealthy things as "dirty" which just sounds unappetizing.
But the big thing I started doing is drink more water and tea in place of sodas. While I just drink diet soda it still doesn't help my metabolism or system as well as water. I've noticed I bloat much more when I drink soda than when I drink water.
I also am starting to find healthy substitutes for my sweet tooth.
Apples with cookie butter or peanut butter is a really great snack and wont make you feel tired.
Poppy seed dressing and adding fruit into salads gives it just enough sweetness to pair with the greens.
Truvia istead of sugar, for coffee and teas.
I even made my own almond butter.
If you're trying to drink more water but miss the flavor of soda, add zero calorie, sugar free flavor packets to your water.
I'm also getting back into portions. It's so easy to overfill your plate at the cafeteria and then go back for cookies after. As well as eat healthy on a budget.

I'm not sure if I'm much help on this subject but I have also found tons of amazing recipes, and tips on eating healthy on pinterest. You can follow my health/food board here .

All photos credit to Blogilates/Cassey Ho

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tip Tuesday

Tip Tuesday!

Hello Zombie Unicorns! With the school season starting back up soon, I am going to share some tips about moving into dorms.

Whether this is your first time moving in or your third we can always use some help. This is my junior year of college and I think I'm starting to figure out how to pack and move in successfully for different types of dorms.

The biggest tip I can give you is ONLY PACK NECESSITIES!

You don't need every little knick knack from home, and you definitely don't need your entire closet. Now if you live pretty far from your school, like more than a day of driving, then some of this you'll have to adapt to your situation.
Dorms are extremely small, you WILL NOT have room for everything you have at home. Only take what you will actually use, don't take your whole makeup and beauty product collection. Most likely you will only have half a room to yourself, and your closet, don't be that person who hogs all the space with their useless china collection and dirty socks.
This was my side of the dorm room my freshman year, this is probably what you will be moving into. Now if you have the option to bunk your bed then you will have more room, but at some schools you are not allowed to because of safety, and you'll only have this much room to store things.
Also you see that dresser in the bottom left corner, I only had half of that to use the other half went to my roommate. Same goes to the top of it.
There was probably only room for another bed between mine and hers, so that space has to be shared and usually doesn't have anything in it.
I recommend packing what you need to get through a week or two first and then if you need more, you can drive home on a weekend and get it, as well as take anything home that you don't think you'll need. This rule also goes with clothing, only pack clothing for the current season.

Things To Waste Space.

Lamps(bigger than a desk lamp)
Shoe collection
Desktop Computers
Speakers/Sound Systems
Now all these are if you haven't seen the room before hand, if you can, go to campus and have a tour of the dorms. Most colleges now have staged rooms that will give you an idea of how much space you'll have. Also go on the school website and see if they have floor plan's of the dorms you were assigned.

These rules still apply for the bigger dorms.

This year I was placed into an apartment style dorm, so I have a living room, kitchenette, bathroom and a separate bedroom from my roommate's. So I had a little wiggle room to bring a few extra decorative things, but I still only brought what I think I will absolutely use, though I'm sure i'll be getting more for the kitchen as the year progresses.
I am only using half of that dresser, and only because I put all my scarves and skirts in their own drawers.

This room did come with blinds in the bedrooms at least.

Very little in this closet.
But the dorm did not come with, Wi-Fi, furniture(in the living room), laundry machines or dishwasher, it's also right next to a busy intersection so I can hear all the cars passing through the day, as well as a mystery humming sound.

Things Not To Waste Space.

Anything that can be hung on the walls(no nails)
Closet Organizers
Collapsable Luggage

Moving in For The Art Student

Obviously the biggest question most of us have before school starts is: what will I need? If you are lucky enough to get your supply list before classes start then go get your supplies then, except for maybe big items such as pads of paper or sculpture equipment.
If you already have a locker/flat file at the school then go store your stuff there before school if its not being used, and if your a new student grab a locker as soon as possible otherwise it'll be taken and you may have to lug your supplies around campus. Or make a friend and ask to share the storage space, never leave supplies in cars or dorms.
If you don't get a supply list beforehand then you'll be in my shoes, my professors usually give the class a syllabus and supply list on the first day of class. Sometimes they tell you to have it by next class period, which will give you about a day and a half to buy supplies, or some of them will say go get it now and then we will start class. If you have the latter option then that some what forces you to use the bookstore, where I suggest never to buy supplies or books, and pay overprice.

So whether you're moving into a standard dorm or an apartment style always:

1.Research the Space

2.Avoid space hoggers