Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tip Tuesday

Tip Tuesday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, for today's tip I will talk about buying/renting textbooks, and why you should avoid the bookstore as much as you can.

Buying textbooks is a huge burden on college students, the prices have skyrocketed since our parents went to school. So much so where now a lot of students take loans out just for textbooks.
So here are a three tips so as to avoid debt as much as possible.

1, Rent

You will probably have to have textbooks for your general educational classes, the classes you need to graduate but don't pertain to your major.
If you don't think you'll use it after school or in the following years of school, don't buy it.
And if you rent and end up not using the text you can send it back early and possibly get a reimbursement.
(also keep the boxes your books came in, it's easier to mail back that way.)

2.Wait till the teacher says you need it.

About half of my classes that had a textbook never used it, or I never needed to use it because the lectures and my notes sufficed.
Now if you are the type of person who needs to read the chapter, or follow along in the book during lecture then get the book. Or if the subject is something that you usually struggle in, then the book and your own studying will help.

3.Don't buy from the bookstore!

College bookstores are notorious for having the most expensive prices on their textbooks, I wish I hadn't gotten mine there my freshman year. Some of the other supplies in the bookstore is usually great but always check prices(applies to other stores too).
 There are tons of websites to buy/rent used books. And I know what some of you are thinking; Ew, used books it's going to be in terrible condition. Almost all of my books have been used and besides a little scuffing the most "damage" was highlighting in a few chapters. But the price is incredibly cheaper than new.
My favorite website to buy books is Textbooks.com
I rented two used books for less than $50, if I had gotten them at the bookstore they would've been above $150 easy.
Amazon Student is really good too, they give you discounts on textbooks as well as all the perks of Prime.

I hope these tips helped and I hope you have a great day, and don't forget to paint the roses red!

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