Monday, August 31, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello ZombieUnicorn's, nobody like's Monday lets fix that!

Here is the motivation quote for this week.
Show up, that is doing more than most! Be consistant,uhhuh... Do what you say, that is a big one!, Give more than you take? Unheard of sometimes! :)
I have already noticed less people showing up for classes this morning by the sparce parking lots. This is a huge mistake I see new college students do. They hear that the professor doesn't take role and then they don't go to class until the test. Well you will miss out on extra credit and information that the professor will put on the tests and quizzes that aren't in the book. And come on, how many people who don't go to class are going to study on their own, and retain it.
Also if you are receiving scholarships and don't go to class, you can kiss that free money goodbye, as well as your GPA. Also at my school, after three un-excused absences your grade drops a letter grade for every absence after that.

SO JUST GO TO CLASS! I know it's hard and stressful and getting out of bed is no fun. But education and school is extremely important.

Also just like the quote says, don't be greedy. I feel like this is a huge corruption of today's society, we just WANT constantly. Money and possessions are not important, you can have the coolest car in the world but if you cant even spell the make and model of it then their is a problem.

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