Friday, January 29, 2016

Favorite's Friday

Favorite's Friday

Hello Zombie-corns let's take a look at the things that helped me get through the week.

First off so sorry about missing last week's posts life has been really extremely busy. But I did have some things that helped me get through it.
First thing was coffee, lot's of coffee. I was basically perpetually tired all last week because my body has not gotten back into routine of getting up at 6AM and not stop moving till around 4PM everyday yet. The universe's way of telling me "Welcome to adult hood."
38 Different Ways to Make Coffee >>
Another really big thing that helped me out was my fraternity brother's and my big. We just went through initiating 14 member candidates, and I got two of my own little's. I'm super excited for all of them and to help my own little's through the process of learning about the fraternity and what we're all about. Because of privacy I wont post any pictures of their faces. But here's a picture from our winter formal of us in front of a giant Christmas ornament!
 If you did not know, I am a member of the Gamma Theta chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi here at my university. Kappa Kappa Psi is the national honorary fraternity for college band members and was established in 1919 at what is now Oklahoma State University. I have been a member for a year now and I cannot tell you how much it has helped me in my college career. Having that support system and being a part of national organization is amazing, as well as it servicing college bands makes it even better. Everybody always get's confused when I say I'm in a fraternity and am a "brother", but my fraternity is co-ed so everybody is a brother. It's sister sorority Tau Beta Sigma is the same so all members are sisters.

Also something that helped me get through the week as well as helped me get in the zone for my painting class was a new radio station I made on Spotify.

This is the band that I started the artist radio off of. It's a very ambient pop kind of sound to it, not sure how to describe it you'll just have to look up for yourself.
Speaking of painting class here is a WIP shot of a watercolor I'm working on. Still not sure about the background yet, we'll see.
Well that's it for now, I hope you enjoy your weekend and liked this post!

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Monday, January 11, 2016

Motivation Monday

Hello Zombie-corns, nobody likes Monday's let's fix that.

So I am writing this post on my phone because my computer is broke which was the end of a series of unfortunate events of my weekend. The others consisted of my bathroom flooding from the toilet, and back up in the sink, and the website I have to use for one of my classes not working on my computer, as well as it costing $65 to just use it. I can't stress enough to NEVER buy books from the bookstore unless you have financial aid posting for it. That was the cheapest I could find the book and access code and it is going to take most of my paycheck.
But on a higher note I got a 40" an art TV for my birthday, and rearranged my dorm furniture and it feels much better now. I'm also getting a tattoo from an amazing artist in a week.

Now back to the post here is your motivational quote for the day, hopefully it actually shows up cause this app is confusing.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Favorite's Friday


Favorite's Friday

Hello Zombi-corns, let's look at the things that helped me make it through the week.

Happy New Year, I recently bought some art supplies and beauty supplies with my Christmas money and I am so excited to share with you.
First off the art supplies, all from Hobby Lobby.
   First off and what I'm most excited for these three oval mop round brushes in sizes 3/4", 1/2", and 6, and all from one of my favorite brands, Masters Touch. The smallest brush I purchased was a replacement for one that I used constantly in my Painting class this semester, and I was absolutely thrilled to find bigger sizes. These are perfect for oil painting and skin, or extremely smooth blending. If you do use these with oil paint I would say that you need to use a specific brush cleaner such as the one pictured above in the bottom right corner. These brushes are incredibly soft and will start to shed very easily with heavy paints if not cared for properly.
 These are new to me and I mostly bought these for the holder to use with charcoal. These are pastel sticks from Master's Touch. I have been experimenting with them. Here is something I did with them for example.
 These are very comparable to graphite I think but denser and less messy. The density makes them a little harder to blend but overall good for sketching I think. They do not get as dark as charcoal though, when I tried to layer them they only stayed a dense gray and would almost scratch the layer under it off.
This is a Hake Brush, I've never used one but seen people use it. This is going to be used for drafting, which means I will use it with charcoal or any drawing medium that I may get eraser shreds on and don't want to smudge. You can get a larger version of this and is actually for drafting called a dusting/drafting brush. I liked this for the better control.
This little guy is an essential for anyone doing charcoal or large drawings and want to blend/smudge without riddling their pieces with fingerprints. I have used this before, I will probably cut this into smaller pieces for my tool box. I prefer to use this for smudging charcoal because after a while the charcoal and friction of the paper will irritate my hands. You can get large pieces of this online, it may be marketed as something for car cleaning but it is the same material. I'll also be experimenting with other types of leather for drawing.

   And lastly, a new travel sketchbook that exhibits my insatiable wanderlust and a canvas pad for oil studies. I was going to try and test the canvas pad with oils and my new oval mop brushes but I didn't want to bring in my oil paints, partly because the weather got bad and they are in my car and because it stinks up my house and my mom doesn't like it. I will test these out when I get back to my dorm tho, I will probably pull the sheets out and tape it to my drawing board like I would any other paper.
Now I didn't show a detail shot about the brush shampoo because I have talked about it before, if you want to look into this wonderful brush shampoo that I highly recommend you can go here and read about it.
Now for the ULTA haul, this is all cruelty free as well.
So from the left I have a staple, it is the Organix Argan Oil of Morocco shampoo, skinfix Hydrating Moisturizer, and Freemens Golden Grain Brightening Mask. On the top from top to bottom I have NYX retractable lip liner in Nude Pink MPL06, Palladio lip liner in Black Berry, and NYX brow pencil.
Now some of these products are not certified by the leaping bunny but they all say "not tested on animals" except the black berry lip liner.
Here are swatches of the lip liners and eyebrow pencil as well as the NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams I wanted to match with the lip liners.

 This lip cream is Cannes and is one of my favorites and most used.
 This lip cream is Copenhagen and is slightly more red than this lip liner but I think it will work.
If you've never used NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams and like long lasting matte lipstick then I would highly recommend these, they are very pigmented and have amazing wear *once dry. I would buy them in store instead of online though because I've noticed most websites have a color difference in their pictures.
Also I have a few resolutions.
1. One good deed a day.
2. Smile
3. Create more art outside of class.
And obviously don't be a little piggy as much.
Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?
That's pretty much it for now, did you buy some fun things with Christmas money, do you want any more in depth reviews of any of these products? Feel free to ask in the comments below. Also before I leave here is a piece I have been working on recently.
Sorry for the weird orange tint.
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