Friday, January 29, 2016

Favorite's Friday

Favorite's Friday

Hello Zombie-corns let's take a look at the things that helped me get through the week.

First off so sorry about missing last week's posts life has been really extremely busy. But I did have some things that helped me get through it.
First thing was coffee, lot's of coffee. I was basically perpetually tired all last week because my body has not gotten back into routine of getting up at 6AM and not stop moving till around 4PM everyday yet. The universe's way of telling me "Welcome to adult hood."
38 Different Ways to Make Coffee >>
Another really big thing that helped me out was my fraternity brother's and my big. We just went through initiating 14 member candidates, and I got two of my own little's. I'm super excited for all of them and to help my own little's through the process of learning about the fraternity and what we're all about. Because of privacy I wont post any pictures of their faces. But here's a picture from our winter formal of us in front of a giant Christmas ornament!
 If you did not know, I am a member of the Gamma Theta chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi here at my university. Kappa Kappa Psi is the national honorary fraternity for college band members and was established in 1919 at what is now Oklahoma State University. I have been a member for a year now and I cannot tell you how much it has helped me in my college career. Having that support system and being a part of national organization is amazing, as well as it servicing college bands makes it even better. Everybody always get's confused when I say I'm in a fraternity and am a "brother", but my fraternity is co-ed so everybody is a brother. It's sister sorority Tau Beta Sigma is the same so all members are sisters.

Also something that helped me get through the week as well as helped me get in the zone for my painting class was a new radio station I made on Spotify.

This is the band that I started the artist radio off of. It's a very ambient pop kind of sound to it, not sure how to describe it you'll just have to look up for yourself.
Speaking of painting class here is a WIP shot of a watercolor I'm working on. Still not sure about the background yet, we'll see.
Well that's it for now, I hope you enjoy your weekend and liked this post!

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