Monday, January 11, 2016

Motivation Monday

Hello Zombie-corns, nobody likes Monday's let's fix that.

So I am writing this post on my phone because my computer is broke which was the end of a series of unfortunate events of my weekend. The others consisted of my bathroom flooding from the toilet, and back up in the sink, and the website I have to use for one of my classes not working on my computer, as well as it costing $65 to just use it. I can't stress enough to NEVER buy books from the bookstore unless you have financial aid posting for it. That was the cheapest I could find the book and access code and it is going to take most of my paycheck.
But on a higher note I got a 40" an art TV for my birthday, and rearranged my dorm furniture and it feels much better now. I'm also getting a tattoo from an amazing artist in a week.

Now back to the post here is your motivational quote for the day, hopefully it actually shows up cause this app is confusing.

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