Wednesday, August 12, 2015

30 Minute Yoga to De-stress

Workout Wednesday
Hello Zombie Unicorn's today will be a short post.
So last week I moved into my dorm everything was fine, and then yesterday I was told I had to move because my roommate, who hadn't moved in yet, was foreign exchange. I still have not gotten a real reason for this, something about it being confidential but I will probably try and contact the resident director and figure out why. Because I was excited to have a foreign exchange roommate.
But now I am in a different room, same building, but there is mold in the shower and no wifi, as well as a cluttered absent roommate. It's being resolved but it has caused me all sorts of stress induced anxiety, not how I wanted to start off the school year. So I am going to do the yoga in the video above, and I figured some people may want to try as well.
I recently found this channel on youtube and I am liking, I'm wanting to incorporate more yoga into my fitness routine, I've even started doing a small flow in the mornings and I really want to try and get an arm balance down by the end of the year.
So that is about all for right now I will see you tomorrow with, hopefully, something new.

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