Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, sorry for missing yesterday's post but here's how I've been trying to keep on the healthy track!

So I forgot how exhausting school can be, especially when getting up at 6 AM everyday and not stopping till 4:30 most days. But I still am trying to workout everyday and eat healthier. Hopefully since i'm taking a nutrition class the eating better part will be much easier. I try and keep the MyPlate portions in my head, and try and apply when I can.
We actually went over this today, we grouped up and categorized what we ate for dinner the night before and then the whole class put up their categories on a chart. My group cheated a little because we counted French fries as a vegetable.
But besides that I'm also trying to drink more water and tea in place of soda. I've also been going walking/jogging with my fiancĂ©, which with marching band has definitely helped with getting cardio into my routine. I also started using the LG Health app on my phone to count how many steps I take everyday, my goal is 8000(or 3.68 miles) which should burn 247 calories.
This is the yoga workout I will be trying tonight before bed if you would like to try it as well.
I will try and do a small morning flow as well when I get up tomorrow to start my day off right.

That's about it for today enjoy the rest of your day and I wish you luck in your health journey, and don't forget to paint the roses red.

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