Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday!

Hello Zombie Unicorns, today I would like to share some of my favorite workouts and how I try and avoid the weight gain that is associated with college.

If you walk into my bedroom at my parent's house you would see a large white garment bag hanging on my closet door, containing my wedding dress and a huge reason to try and get healthy. My wedding isn't for another year and I already have to have my dress altered to let out the hips (cause mine don't lie) but because I already bought it I cant gain or lose too much weight before my alterations. Most brides usually only have a few months to watch their weight I have a year.
Now this isn't the only reason I want to get into a healthier lifestyle, just like any other female I have had a lot of stigma about my body and what it looks like to other people. But since I've been in college I realized that thin isn't beautiful, healthy and happiness is!
I want to be healthy.
Working out also helps me distress, I usually try and workout at the end of the day and I've noticed it helps me sleep as well.
I do pretty much all of my work outs in my dorm room/bedroom, and with no weights. How do I do this you ask, well I started watching blogilates on youtube.
What I love about her videos is that she has specific workouts for focus groups as well as total body and cardio. She also caters to beginners as well as the experienced, she even says in some of her videos the different versions of specific workouts for experience levels.
She also has monthly calendars for people who subscribe, as well as a free calendar for beginners. I kind of fell off the band wagon on the monthly calendars but I just printed out this months and am going to do tonight's workout as best I can(the bowl of chocolate icecream I had earlier sure wont help.) 
She also has amazing healthy recipes, which is a godsend for somebody who has the sweet tooth of Willy Wonka.
Speaking of food I also really want to "fix" my diet and what I put in my body. While I was in Europe I noticed a lot of foods don't have as many preservatives and sugars as we do here in America. And it made me slightly disgusted with a lot of foods we put out into the market. I now notice how the more sugary snacks are on all the eye level shelves, at the grocery store, and the healthier option is high up or on the bottom shelf.
So along with working out, I am also trying to eat much cleaner. I love that phrase because it makes you think about the unhealthy things as "dirty" which just sounds unappetizing.
But the big thing I started doing is drink more water and tea in place of sodas. While I just drink diet soda it still doesn't help my metabolism or system as well as water. I've noticed I bloat much more when I drink soda than when I drink water.
I also am starting to find healthy substitutes for my sweet tooth.
Apples with cookie butter or peanut butter is a really great snack and wont make you feel tired.
Poppy seed dressing and adding fruit into salads gives it just enough sweetness to pair with the greens.
Truvia istead of sugar, for coffee and teas.
I even made my own almond butter.
If you're trying to drink more water but miss the flavor of soda, add zero calorie, sugar free flavor packets to your water.
I'm also getting back into portions. It's so easy to overfill your plate at the cafeteria and then go back for cookies after. As well as eat healthy on a budget.

I'm not sure if I'm much help on this subject but I have also found tons of amazing recipes, and tips on eating healthy on pinterest. You can follow my health/food board here .

All photos credit to Blogilates/Cassey Ho

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