Monday, August 10, 2015

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Hello Zombie Unicorns, it's a start of a new week and Monday never gets a good rep. so let's change that!

Here's my inspirational quote for the week
(Orignial pin )

Other ways I like to improve my Monday is dress nicer than just a t-shirt and shorts, or do a different makeup look. Something small like a different lipstick or eyeshadow combo.
Something else to make your Monday better is have a cheat meal or maybe a faux-cheat meal, there are a ton of links on pinterest for healthy ways to satisfy a sweet tooth.
Heres a great post I found with plenty of recipes from avocado chocolate mousse to a clean no bake peanut butter pie -> 25 ways to satisfy your sweet tooth
Here is another inspirational quote that I find helps me as an artist as well as in life
While the art world is a very dog-eat-dog world I believe that if you put all of your strength and passion into what you create then you will be successful, I'm not saying there wont be trials but with a better attitude you will be able to endure longer.
Keep little thoughts of positivity around with you to start your week, like sticky notes or change your computer or phone background to an inspirational quote. Anything to help remind you that you can get through Monday.
For me, classes start in a week so my Mondays are going to start being pretty busy and stressful but I'll always try and remember to keep inspired and breath.
Hope you have a good rest of your Monday, and if it's been not so great so far I hope that you can find something to cheer you up and smile.
You can find more inspirational pins and fun recipes on my pinterest page.
You can also follow the blog on facebook to keep updated on posts.

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