Friday, August 14, 2015

Favorites Friday!

Favorite's Friday

Hello ZombieUnicorns, it's Friday so let's all the majestic things that made my week better.

So if you read any of the post from Wednesday you will know that I had a pretty stressful weekend. I had to move rooms, and given no valuable reason, causing me all sorts of stress, on top of marching season starting. But there were a few things that made up for it one of them being band. Being back in the group, especially with all the new recruits, and playing my instrument felt great.
Also I got paid finally so that's always a plus, I bought some amazing flavored green tea as well as some pears which I have been craving for awhile.
But what really made my week is something I saw on Facebook from an organization I follow called Art People Gallery( ), it was a post of illustrations made by a Brazilian artist, Julio Cesar.
These are just my personal favorites, but I absolutely loved them because I always have thought of doing this, and have done it, of people in my daily life. So this gave me an idea for Thursdays called Illustration Thursday.
So I will share my attempt at the first, now mine is not as fancy, it's a simple pen drawing of my Maid of Honor and her two beautiful sons. She is the definition of super mom to me, raising two kids while going to medical school, working in an ER, and being an amazing human being.

 Hopefully next Thursday I will also have a tale to go along with the character, as well as a different medium(unless I stay up really late again like I did for this drawing).

I Hope you have a good weekend and I will see you on Monday with some motivation for the first day of classes, and don't forget to paint the roses red.

You can follow my facebook page for updates on the new blogs.
You can also follow my pinterest page to see all the magnificent things I find from healthy recipes to art to wedding planning.

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