Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday!

Hello ZombieUnicorns, today lets talk all the small steps to getting fit and living healthier.

So I recently discovered that my LG G4 had an app called LG Health. It basically calculates your BMI based off weight, age, gender, and height and then tells you how active you should be in a day, by showing you how many steps you should be walking.
I really like it because it shows what hours you are most active, as well as telling you how many calories you have burned.

My account says that mu BMI is about 21.0 and my recommended activity goal is 8746 steps(3.68 miles) which will burn about 250 calories.

I set my personal goal as 8000 and it's pretty easy, I usually hit 7000 steps. Now if I took my phone with me running then I would probably get over the 8000.

But the biggest thing it showed me was how sedentary I am on weekend.

On the tracker you can see your daily percentage, most of mine are between 80%-90% on days when I have marching band and school. But on Friday I only got 40%, no marching, and on the weekend I didn't get above 3%!!! Which blew my mind, and really made me want to change that because I know that's about how active I was when I was home during the summer.
This along with my nutrition class will hopefully help me stay fit and healthy, as well as help my fiancé since he goes running with me.
Apps like these are great motivators for anyone who wants to try and be more active, I would definitely recommend this to any college student, or someone with a desk job, like myself.
Do some research and find what you like best, most smart phones have started coming with a built in app like mine.

Short and sweet today, remember even just walking for 30 minutes a day helps keep you fit and to get cardio. Have a good evening and don't forget to paint the roses red!

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